Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ryan en-route!

A meander around a crew-site for a last minute crew-member to meet the insurance requirements of the owner enabled a then 16-year-old from the Pacific Northwest to join me and Linda for the delivery of 'Yogurt-Cup' Hunter to Hawaii ; - ) Another delivery from Hawaii to LA aboard the 68ft 'Ragtime' the following summer and then aboard the Columbia 50 this year enabled Ryan to notch up a few miles across the 'pond' avec moi ; - )

After meeting Jesse Martin who at one time had sailed around the world nonstop (and who I met at Jessica Watson's arrival party) had asked if I knew of anyone to delivery his new Contessa 26 to Panama from Florida as he was busy with some filming in India. Note this is the same type of yacht aboard which I became the youngest @ in 1996! So Ryan is currently en-route, good luck mate and see you for a rum soon to hear the stories!

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