Monday, July 5, 2010


"There are no answers, only choices."

For the first time, it's really the voyage - not the destination that counts.

We will explore the outermost limits of human understanding offshore. We will push today's design, construction, computer, mechanical and human interface to the limit on all ocean's of the world.

On the way, we will learn about ourselves, illustrate how far we've come and how much further we can go. We will find out how far, how fast and for how long, our consolidated knowledge can take us.

In doing so, we will honor our great heritage of exploration. This is a living monument to everyone that has crossed oceans. From the ages and cultures, we have not discriminated in our quest to face the ocean united.

We know this same teamwork and utilization of global resources and talent will lead toward the next great age of exploration - space.

The yacht is a microcosm of our celestial boat - the world. 'ISIS 2' is bristling with technology, human ingenuity and resilience. She is ready to meet fate, however far away.

"No fate but what we make."

-bj caldwell

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